Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Think Outside the Litter Box

Well, today is less about feeding my carnivores and more about cleaning up after. Note, I still have not taken the dive and switched the cats over so technically this is just a nice little life hack for you ;)

I hate cleaning up the litter box. Not only is it gross, and smelly but takes a good chunk of time out of my day. Not enough that I'm going to completely avoid it or anything, but enough that it's a bother. So I decided to make my life easier.

We always have litter containers, I often use them for storage after they're empty. They're handy and hardy bins that, once cleaned, can be used for a lot of things! One of which is to help make your life easier when cleaning out the litter box!

 I took a grocery bag (I keep a supply of ones without holes downstairs for cleaning out the cat box) and lined the smaller litter container with it. I kept the lid and keep that dirty gross scooper in the bag with the lid on. It looks nicer on the shelf and is quick and easy, ready for you to grab at the next box cleaning!
 Not only does it keep everything ready and contained, but it also holds the bag open! I love this because I always get so frustrated when I end up dumping litter and cat droppings all over the floor (which I usually sweep first to avoid stepping on the nasty bits of litter that gets stuck to their paws as they exit the box). So this is a life saver when it comes to that aspect!
 I place the container next to the bin, usually closer than this even, so that there is little to no litter being dropped on the floor. When you're done scooping simply tie up the bag and pull it out!

Make sure to replace the old bag with a new one! Otherwise this method is pointless!
For those who are curious: yes, we use a Rubbermaid container for a litter box. Simply cut a hole large enough in one of the sides for the cat to get in and out. I've seen some designs where you keep the lid on. I don't have the lid for mine anymore, and probably wouldn't use it. Cats don't always like to do their business when they feel cornered, an open box makes it easier for them to hop out of they feel cornered by another cat or dog.

I've seen some where you put a smaller Rubbermaid inside a large one. Cut a hole in the short edge of the smaller one and a hole in the long edge of the larger one (so both openings are not facing each other) and put a lid on the large one. This will keep any dogs from raiding the box! I have one that does that, but due to the reason stated above, have not tried this method.

So there you have it! A quick and easy life hack that will cut your box cleaning time down and also make life easier!